Anxiety and depression
Are you suffering with anxiety? It can affect us emotionally – like worry or disturbed sleep - and physically – such as palpitations or nausea. Acupuncture and Bach Flower Remedies can really help combat your symptoms.
Anxiety, depression and stress
Acupuncture and Bach Flower Remedies can be beneficial in the treatment of anxiety whether it be depression, panic attacks, PTSD or even seasonal affective disorder.
As well as emotional symptoms such as worry, disturbed sleep, irritability and poor concentration, anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as sweating, nausea, diarrhoea, dry mouth, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, cold hands, muscle tension and aches, trembling and twitching (WHO 2007).
The effects of stress can also worsen many physical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraines and tension headaches, and back pain (Clinical Evidence 2007).
Acupuncture and Bach Flower Remedies can be very helpful in treating stress and addressing many of these symptoms, without side effects. It can be safely combined with conventional treatments such as medication or psycho-educational therapy, possibly enhancing their beneficial effects (Courbasson 2007) and reducing unwanted side-effects (Yuan 2007).
Angela has had a great deal of success emotional issues such as anxiety, depression and stress. If you would like to book an appointment call 01323 819157 or here.
Source: British Acupuncture Council. More information is available from the British Acupuncture Council here.
For all booking and information, get in touch by phone or through the website.
01323 819 157