Woodside Acupuncture : Massage : Bach Flower Remedies
Practitioner Angela Wallis has an absolute passion for treating health conditions the natural way, combining her 14 years’ experience in traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture, therapeutic massage and Bach Flower Remedies to provide the very best care.
In 2011 Angela completed a three-year Bachelor of Science honours degree in Acupuncture from the International College of Oriental Medicine in East Grinstead. As well as being trained in Five Elements and Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture Angela is also qualified in Stems & Branches style.
Angela's own life experience has led to her having specialist areas of treatment. These include fertility – as Angela has undergone IVF treatment herself, emotional health issues and pain management – after experiencing sports injuries which led to sciatica, neck and shoulder pain.
Therapist Angela is also trained in therapeutic massage (combining Sports, Swedish and deep tissue massage techniques), cupping and Gua Sha – all of which are used in treatments to get the best possible outcome.
More recently Angela completed a Diploma in Bach Flower Essences which covered 10 modules, involved over 150 hours of study and the passing of numerous assessments. She was awarded with a mark of Distinction and now offers phone and online appointments providing patients with bespoke, blended flower remedies to support emotional health and wellbeing conditions. Problems like sleep problems, low mood, anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, PMT and a feeling of overwhelm, are just a few of the emotional health issues that can be treated with Bach Flower Remedies.
Angela is a fully insured member of the British Acupuncture Council, the regulatory body for qualified acupuncturists in the UK.

Opening Times & Clinic Locations
Woodside Acupuncture : Massage : Bach Flower Remedies Clinic is open every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and selected Saturdays.
Woodside Acupuncture : Massage : Bach Flower Remedies Clinic is based at:
Church Farm Oast, Manchester Road, Ninfield, Battle, TN33 9JX (free parking outside clinic).
For appointments please call 01323 819 157.
"I had been suffering from extreme anxiety and agoraphobia for over a year. I tried lots of different therapies but none really helped. I went to see Angela for acupuncture and within just a few treatments my symptoms had almost disappeared. Now I live a full life with my family and I don't have any anxiety problems."- Patient
For all booking and information, get in touch by phone or through the website.
01323 819 157